Friday, 24 April 2015

EXERCISE nº20 - "What must I think about people when I am walking in the street?"

One of the symptoms of DPDR consists of looking invisible for the rest of the people.

When we are walking in the street we usually avoid to look at the rest of the people because WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT THEM, in fact, we are not sure about their existence. They mean nothing for us. Why this happens?

Since I don't know who I am and I am not able to remember clearly what have I done in my former life due to DPDR, it seems very difficult to guess in which way the rest will react when they see me. We lost our roots, our references, our own image. Our image depends on what the others think about us.

In order to remove that invisibility and recover our place again in the real world I should make this exercise:

EXERCISE 20 - "What must I think about people when walking in the street?"

Before facing the people in the street we should remember aspects that are unique to us
1st - How old am I?
2nd - What were my main achievements in life?
3rd - What were my most relevant hobbies/skills? I should overpass everybody in those skills and feel proud.
4rd - Pay attention to your physical aspect. Am I well dressed?, Do I look handsome today?
... etc
Any time you face people and don't know what to think about them, you should think:
  • Could it be dangerous crossing his/her way? Should I be frightened?
  • Is he/she physically neat, clean? or Should I feel disgusted?
  • Is he/she a normal person or is he/she facing any disability?
  • Is he/she going to ask me anything? Which could it be? Could I be robbed by him/her? could I be taken by surprise?
  • Is he/she older than me, the same age or on the contrary I am older than he/she?
  • If we are of the same age, Would I like to accept him/her in my own gang or group? I didn't like every classmate of my school. I had my reasons. Can I remember why?
  • If I am older, I should know more than him/her and be superior somehow. I could teech him/her things and be compassionate with him. If I don't pay attention I could hurt him/her.
  • If I am younger, that person probably knows more about life than me. I should show respect and learn from his/her.
  • His/her level of studies... Are lower or higher than my own level? Would he/she overpass ME?
    I was very good playing or practising my hobby. Could he/she be better than me? Could he/she even know how to do it? Probably not If my skill is high.
  • Am I stronger than that person?, Taller?, more corpulent? If we had to fight... could I win?; If I hit him/her, what would happen? (Considering physical contact helps a lot to overcome DP)I
  • Is he/she more beautiful or attractive than me? Do I like him/her?....
  • ...

Previosuly, when you were alright, you wondered those questions automatically, just within seconds. Now you cannot consider that info about people easily.



Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Video 04 - "An Introduction to Depersonalization and Derealization" by Santos


This is me, Santos. I am starting to record videos speaking in English for you to understand better the nature of DPDR and the way to make the exercises.

In this video I introduce myself and explains in my own English words symptoms, triggers and the main reasons to suffer DPDR. Remember that generalized anxiety produced DPDR which is a different disease by itself.

I'll do my best to express my ideas in a way you can understand. Thank you for your understanding :-)


Friday, 10 April 2015

Video 03 - Doing exercise 4.2 - Synchronize your senses: Vision, Hearing and Touch

Hi! :-)

Let's practice Exercise N4.2. , we must re-synchronize our main senses: vision, hearing and touch. Our hands must interact with objects and pay attention to the sounds they produce.


We can achieve the same effect by playing physically with toys or dolls.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Video 02 - Exercise N2 "Consciously and individual approximation to objects""

Here you can find a video explaining how to do exercise N2 "Consciously and individual approximation to objects". You can do it during your daily "sensory walking".

You have to work:
  • Maintaining your look on objects while you are walking in the street
  • Feeling the distance between your body and walls, columns, cars, trees,...
  • Reminding the first times you met that object in your time past when you were ok.
  • Examining mindfully objects with your 5 senses
  • Thinking about dangers and risks when you hit an object...
Better, have a look at the video on YouTube: