Monday, 1 June 2015

Video 06 - Exercise N1 Explained


Here you can find a new video in English explaining how to do the most important exercise of all: The number one: "Sensory Walking".

Don't hesitate to contact me
 for further info about my method!


  1. Its just a great blog on exercise I really liked it reading so many new thing here I came to know with your blog. Thanks for sharing here with us.

  2. Thanks a lot. Soon I will continue publishing in English.
    Until now I focused on the Spanish one

  3. Hi! Your blog is useful for me too. I'll wait new articles

    1. Oh, thanks there is someone reading :-)
      I'll do it for sure!!

  4. Hello Santos. Thank you for taking the time to help others, especially in your second language. Your theory about why we get DPDR makes a lot of sense and I am going to try the sensory walking every day. I'm sure quite a few people read this, but maybe they just don't comment because they are too busy worrying. Thanks and keep up the good work :)

  5. I have just finished reading your book and am so grateful to have found you. I have had 24/7 DPDR for 37 years. Reading your book has given me hope. I have just begun trying this walking exercise. Thank you so much for working so hard to help others with this disorder, which is so difficult to describe.

  6. You are welcome!, I wish you good luck in this slow process.
