Sunday, 28 December 2014

EXERCISE nº12 - "Comparing, comparing and comparing"

By now, we know that our DP / DR dissociation likely comes from a weak communication between two areas or brain functions, one related to our body, time and space and the other, related to words, our conciousness and abstract concepts.
Although both still perform their functions , our unpleasant feeling comes from the fact that our rational, logic mind does not have easy access to the other part and therefore can not control the space-time of our life time or adequately perceive the world around us. Even knowing that it doen't mean any sense, we distinguish two parts within us , we feel as spectators of our own body. That fact may cause a panic attack in some individuals.
For example: a normal mind without DP / DR, is able to stop their own logical thoughts for a moment and looking consciously in a special way (check nº7 exercise, active look) to any ordinary object controlling the following information "not logical" that comes from the "other side":
  • What time can be according to the intensity and angle of light I can see out the window?
  • How big is this room compared to the previous home?
  • How long has passed since I've seen, eg, my brother?
  • How long I have a glance to this book?
  • What do I want to do now?
  • What I'm doing is appropriate to ME, to MY  PERSONALITY?
  • What did I do yesterday ?, and last week ?, What would I do differently this week?
  • What am I planning to do tomorrow?
  • How long that I do not wear these shoes?
  • Do I want my wife or my husband, girlfriend / boyfriend ?, What will  I tell when I meet them?
  • Where have I seen this before ?, floor tiles are similar to ...?
  • etc ...
There are a few types of questions that can help us a lot to reconstruct the puzzle as answers NO LOGIC, NOT ABLE TO BE reasoned , the right answers are in the "other side". If we don't want to give a random answer, deny the question or avoid the situation, WE SHOULD ACCESS to that part of our brain we want to connect to.
Excellent exercise!
EXERCISE nº12 - Compare SPECIFIC objects!
Located in your living room, watch the main table . As it will not be the first table you've seen in your life, ask yourself the following questions:
  • When was the first time you saw this table?, Did you buy it?, Before was there another ?, Which one do you prefer?
  • How is it compared to the table in your room ?, Is it highest? made in wooden or metal ?, What color is one and the other ?, What is heavier ?, What is wider ? Stretch out your hands and feel its dimensions.
  • And your work desk or table where you study in school , college or university?
  • Stand in front of it and see how high is it compared to your legs?. Sit on each chair around the table and think where you'd be more comfortable to write with a pen?
Notice the layout of the room , where are the armchairs, where is it the TV?, where are the chairs , and the bookstores?

Do you like the current layout more than the old one? Where did you sit at this time?

COMPARE ALL YOU CAN SEE: places, objects, heights, widths, dimensions respect to LONG AGO WHEN YOU WERE RIGHT!

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