In this post we will raise awareness about how important it is to change the way we watch the things around us. A necessary change towards normality. :-)
A style of " ACTIVE LOOK" is to be constantly focusing different objects at different distances to be aware of everything around us . Exactly THE OPPOSITE TO BE CONCENTRATED , TO BE ABSORBED in our thoughts, far from reality.
On the left you see the confused image a DP / DR person gets. However if you ask him about what he can see he will say correctly that there is a bottle, a fruit and a doll, but meaning nothing to him / her.
On the right side the picture a healthy person sees. His gaze is focused on the details, evaluating 3D images.
Typically thinking: Who left this here ?, my mother ?, my wife ?, I love bananas, can I take one ?, is time to eat something ?, should collect all that and put them tn its correct place ?, Who has taken away that stuffed ?, are they near the edge of the table ?, etc ...
ALL the objects around us, including our own body SHOULD mean something to us. A healthy normal person unconsciously processes all these things when he sees a REAL object:
- Is it mine or not?, Whose?
- How far is from MY BODY ?, can I take it without moving or have to get up?, How?
- Is it the first time I see something like that ?, If it is not, how is it different from others I've seen before?
- Is it heavy or light ?, If I lifted it ... will it weigh a lot?
- Is it nice ?, Do I like it?, is it special for ME ?, does it have attractive colors?
- How long is there ?, Who put it there?
At the same time we must be aware of our body , we have to look our hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet, what we manage to see from our chest and TO OBSERVE the features and changes in them. Do we have grown more hair ?, do we have more moles ?, are my joints hurting me anywhere?
We must pay attention to how we sit or how we stand, if we are comfortable or not, when an object touches us and bother us, in how we dress, what we wear, what shoes, what sweaters or sweatshirts, what pants, do I keep the ones I like ?, When Did I buy them ?, I went with someone to buy it or someone gave me ?, When, on what occasion ?.
It is also essential to locate our body in the place where we are:
Are we near a wall ?, is this room equal to other room I had known somewhere before?, is it a street that is reminiscent of another of my childhood? ...
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