Wednesday 17 December 2014

EXERCISE No. 8 - "Can anybody hear me?"

Let me a break, I'll make a survey among my readers ...
Is your sense of hearing  working ok? Since you have DP / DR  feel that something is wrong in receiving sounds ?, Have you done a medical hearing test and yet everything is okay ...? It is strange, isn't it?
Would you mind to write a comment on this post to tell me how you hear the sounds, what happens when you talk to someone, what do you feel? ... as the title of this exercise says: Can anybody hear me? :-)
I propose this simple exercise related to the perception of hearing:
EXERCISE nº8 - Can anybody hear me?
Make a sound with your fingers, give a slap, talk to someone, yell your name, whisper, click your tongue, clears your throat, etc ... ... experience sounds coming out of you. Try different sound intensities from the lowest to the highest and observe the reactions of others, look their faces to perceive their emotions, to feel you are in this real world and can affect others.

Pay attention and ask yourself:
  1. Sounds are high or low?, Medium?, ... Try to speak very softly.
  2. Which is the level of the sound people is listening to me? i.e.: my brother, my mother, my roommate or work fellow from home or the office?
  3. When I go down to the street i.e.:in my sensory daily walk , ¿ who may be listening me if I speak, shout or sing a song ? Move your head slightly from left to right, searching people.
As you can notice, to answer these questions adequately is necessary also use the vision(remember the Exercise 4 - synchronization of the senses) turning your head from left to right to detect the direction of the sound.
A person with DP / DR does not pay adequate attention to the volume of his voice, or the sounds is transmiting, .. just pay attention to the content . We could say that he takes into account just the pure and simple message and NOT THE FORM OR DIRECTION IN WHICH THE SOUND IS GENERATED, NOR THE EMOTIONS CONTAINED IN THE VOICE.
In order to return to be placed properly in the real world is extremely important to recover this sensitivity THINKING OF (IMAGINE) THE WAY OTHERS PERCEIVE US WHEN WE SPEAK.

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